Routes Africa 2016

The route development forum for Africa

Tenerife, Canary Islands
26 – 28 June 2016

Face-to-Face Meetings

Routes events are renowned for the quality of their pre-scheduled face-to-face meetings which are facilitated by our online meeting request system and responsive scheduling team. Find out how to get the most from the meeting request process with this step-by-step guide.

Please contact Lauren Greenwood, Scheduling Executive for all scheduling enquiries.

Registration graphic

Register for Routes Africa 2016

Register for Routes Africa 2016 as a delegate with meetings. You will be sent your Personal Registration Code (PRC) by email once your registration has been processed.

If you think you should have received your PRC and haven't yet received an email please contact Naomi Guy, Senior Sales Support Executive.

Register Now

Scheduling opens graphic

Scheduling opens: Friday 20th May

Scheduling opens on Friday 20th May 2016. From this date you can begin requesting your pre-scheduled meetings using our online system.

Once scheduling is open you can access the meeting request site. Login to Routesonline and go to the home page. Enter your PRC where it says "Request your Face-to-Face Meetings" and click the 'Submit PRC' button.

For scheduling enquiries please contact Lauren Greenwood, Scheduling Executive. 


Request your Face-to-Face Meetings

Once you've accessed the meeting request site you can begin requesting your pre-scheduled meetings. Simple instructions will guide you through the process. The free text field can be used to let us know if you would like to meet with companies that haven't yet registered for Routes Africa so that we can let them know of your interest.

Is your company profile up-to-date? Company profiles are viewed at the time meetings are requested. 

Edit ProfileUpgrade Profile

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Receive your draft diary: Wednesday 8th June 

Your draft diary will be available online from 8th June. You can continue to view and amend your meeting requests until scheduling closes.

Airlines: Ensure you get the most from your meetings by updating your profile to include your 'airline requirements'. Specify what information you expect an organisation to have prepared ahead of the meeting, you can even campaign this information to the organisations you are meeting with in an email alert via Routesonline.

Edit ProfileContact Routesonline   

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Scheduling closes: Friday 17 June

Scheduling closes on Friday 17 June 2016, no more pre-scheduled meeting requests can be accepted after this date. We will then draw up your final diary ahead of Routes Africa.

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Final diary available: from Saturday 25th June 

After scheduling closes, our scheduling team will then work to arrange the meeting diaries which can be accessed online prior to the event and your final diary will be available from 25th June.

A hard copy of your diary can be collected from Diary Advice upon arrival at the event venue. 

Printed diaries graphic

Collect your printed diary: Sunday 26 June

You can collect a printed copy of your diary from the Diary Advice Desk at Routes Africa in Tenerife from Sunday 26 June 2016.

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Request further meetings on-site

For any meetings that aren't confirmed in your final diary, you can now use our On-site Meeting System at Routes Africa.

The On-site Meeting System will available via dedicated IPad terminals located around the event venue.