Airline In Focus: Iberia

Each week we examine in detail one of the airlines attending an upcoming event. In this edition we analyse Iberia (IB), which is attending Routes Europe 2019.

See more details about Iberia on Route Exchange

The data is all supplied by OAG Aviation using its OAG Schedules Analyser tool.

HeadquartersMadrid, Spain
Total ASKs (2018)75,539,505,000
Total seats (2018)31,373,597
Total departure points (2018)144
Total non-stop routes (2018)242
Total countries (2018)48

International route map (summer 2019) - click to enlarge:

iberia summer 2019

The global route development community will come together for the 28th Routes World event in Istanbul, Türkiye. Routes World 2023 will bring together airlines, airports and aviation stakeholders from across the world to build air services and global economic growth. The event will create a platform for conversations between senior network planners that will define the industry's global future.

David Casey

David Casey is Editor in Chief of Routes, the global route development community's trusted source for news and information.