Airlink Becomes Routes Charity Partner

Credit: Airlink

Airlink, a global humanitarian organization delivering critical aid via airlines to communities in crisis, has been named as Routes’ new charity partner.

The organization works with its airline and logistics partners to link them to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) during humanitarian emergencies where the supply chain is constrained and international aid is required. It offers support through rapid response in the immediate aftermath of disasters and through long-term recovery programs.

In 2021, Airlink helped more than 7.8 million people in 38 countries by moving 767,000 lb. of supplies on behalf of 56 NGOs. Work this year includes sending humanitarian aid and responders to the people of Ukraine; in hurricane-hit places in Puerto Rico, Canada, and the US, and to the communities across the Horn of Africa to tackle famine.

Steven Small, Routes director of events said: “At Routes, our role has, and will always be, to bring together the route development community to build air services for the economic and social good of every destination. That is why I am delighted that Routes have appointed Airlink as a new charity partner for our events.”

David Casey

David Casey is Editor in Chief of Routes, the global route development community's trusted source for news and information.