Zurich Airport again awarded for cargo handling

Zurich Airport wins the Air Cargo Excellence Award for its services in the cargo business for a third time in a row.
For its performance in cargo handling, Zurich Airport was honored with the Air Cargo Excellence Award 2014. In the category “European airports up to 399’999 tons of air cargo”, Zurich Airport takes first place, as it did the previous year. In the worldwide rankings of all airports Zurich takes fourth place after Doha, Anchorage and Cologne. In the past year Zurich Airport converted around 293’000 tons of air cargo. Around 1400 employees at different companies ensured that the cargo business at Zurich Airport runs smoothly and successfully.
About the Air Cargo Award Since the year 2005 the international cargo magazine “Air Cargo World” is ranking the service and the quality of cargo handling of different airports as well as their cost-benefit-ratio, the infrastructure und the performance of the involved departments. It’s the only international evaluation of cargo handling at various airports. The presentation of the awards took place within the context of the World Cargo Symposiums 2014 of IATA in Los Angeles, USA.