Zurich Airport celebrates its 75th birthday

The summer months at Zurich Airport will be dedicated to its 75th anniversary and will offer a variety of attractions. A major highlight will be the Airport Festival for the public from 1 to 3 September 2023.
In 1948, 75 years ago, the first aircraft to take off from Zurich Airport was a Swissair Douglas DC-4 bound for London.
On 14 June 2023, a Douglas DC-3 aircraft (see picture) made a flyover and then landed at Zurich Airport. In another sensation, the plane took off again at 6 p.m. and left the festivities.
14 June to 8 September 2023: Interactive airport exhibition in Airport Shopping
"Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow. On the move with you." is the motto of the interactive airport exhibition in the Airport Shopping at Zurich Airport. Uniforms from different eras are exhibited in various areas and the evolution of aircraft technology is presented with aircraft models.
A world map illustrates the current and historical route network from Zurich and at an interactive station interested visitors can follow the development of the airport infrastructure. A visualization shows Zurich Airport in 2040, its construction projects and sustainability goals.
We would be very pleased to welcome you in September during our airport festival or in our exhibition here in Zurich.
More information can be found here!