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Business Tampere Oy

  • Type: Economic Development Agency

About Us

Tampere the most attractive city in Finland by far

The Tampere region is the second largest economic region in Finland after the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. Around two-thirds of Finland’s economic activity is concentrated within a two-hour drive from Tampere. Together with its surrounding municipalities, Tampere creates one of the fastest growing city regions in Finland. The city is preparing for growth and investing over EUR 6 billion in the development of the city by 2030.

Watch a video about the attraction of the Tampere region.

According to studies, Finland is home to the happiest people in the world and, in surveys, Tampere shines year after year as Finland’s most attractive city to live in and run a business. According to a survey conducted by Taloustutkimus in 2018, more than one in three Finns could consider moving to Tampere.

Tampere - this is home

Did you know this about Tampere?

Tampere Region Economic Development Agency Business Tampere (Tredea Oy), maintains and strengthens the magnetism of the Tampere central region and fosters prerequisites for successful business. Business Tampere has three main programs, aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the Tampere region in the eyes of investors, skilled workers and innovators. Under Business Tampere is Visit Tampere with the main goal to attract domestic and foreign tourists to the region.

Visit Tampere is an expert organization working in the fields of tourism, events and congresses. Its mission is to make Tampere the most attractive city in Northern Europe for tourists as well as event organizers. Visit Tampere promotes the city to selected consumer markets and attracts events and congresses in close cooperation with local companies and entrepreneurs. Visit Tampere is an affiliate company to Business Tampere.