Routes Asia 2025

The route development forum for Asia

Perth, Australia
25 – 27 March 2025

Networking Events

What if you had unlimited opportunities to build relationships with decision-makers from Asia Pacific's route development community?

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Routes Asia is designed for you to make new connections, bringing together the key players from the industry that you need to network with. With over 10 hours of dedicated networking events, Routes Asia is the forum where you can engage with all of your industry partners under one roof. 

View the event programme  

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Welcome Reception

Catch up with existing industry partners and meet new targets ahead of the first main business day of Routes Asia. 

Location: To be announced
Date: 24 February 2025
Time: 17:00 - 19:00

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Networking Evening

It's the highlight of the Routes Asia social programme and a show-stopping networking event not to be missed. 

Location: To be announced
Date: 26 February 2025
Time: 19:00-23:00

“Routes Asia is essential for making new contacts and relationship building.”

Surabhi Rana
Assistant General Manager - Airline Marketing
Bangalore International Airport Limited

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Networking Lunches

Let's grab lunch! Extended lunch periods offer the opportunity to recharge, whilst also meeting with those partners you bumped into on the show floor. 

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Networking Breaks

Need to catch up with a colleague over a quick cup of coffee? Regular 20-minute networking breaks are a great time for it. 

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Fast Track

Looking to have 5-minute handshake meetings with multiple airlines? Fast Track is the perfect opportunity for you. 

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