Air Tanzania logo

Air Tanzania

  • Country/Region: Flag of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of
  • Type: Flag
  • IATA: TC

About The Airline

Air Tanzania Company Limited (ATCL) is the national airline of Tanzania based in Dar es Salaam with its hub at Julius Nyerere International Airport. The Company was established in 1977 following the dissolution of East African Airways and has been a member of the African Airlines Association (AFRAA) since its inception.

Following its establishment, ATCL has gone through a number changes in its structure and ownership as a result of the Government's efforts to ensure that the country owns a strong national airline.The changes include partial privatization of ATCL in 2002 when the Government reduced its shareholding to 51 percent and entered into a partnership with South African Airways (SAA). The partnership ended in 2006 when the Government repurchased SAA shares to recapture its 100% ownership of ATCL.

As the Government regained full ownership of ATCL, it invested heavily in the ATCL operations' systems to enable ATCL operate efficiently again. The Government effortsto rebuild ATCL, through various options, continued until 2016 when it decided to develop a specific programme for revamping the ATCL. The ATCL revamping programme included purchasing of six new...