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Malta International Airport

  • PAX: 7,803,042

August Confirmed as MLA’S Busiest Month

Over 4 million passengers in the first 8 months!

The month of August saw an average of 22,372 travellers passing through the terminal on a daily basis, with this number spiking on the month’s busiest day to reach 26,359 passenger movements.

An unprecedented total of 693,537 passengers passed through the airport, resulting in a noteworthy increase of 14.8% in August’s traffic over the same month last year. Growth in passenger numbers was achieved in line with an increase of 15% in seat capacity.

With a 12.9% increase in aircraft movements during the month of August, the runway bustled with no less than 4,624 take-offs and landings and despite the significant increase in available seats on flights to and from MLA, seat load factor stood at a healthy 88.1%.