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Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

  • PAX: 71,707,144

Consultation airport charges

Consultation airport charges

Every three years, Schiphol is obliged to set airport charges and conditions after consultation with the airlines for a period of three years. When setting the charges, Schiphol takes the views of the airlines into account.

Meanwhile, we have started the pre-consultation phase for setting airport charges for the period 2025-2027. In the process, we are consulting the airlines and its representatives such as SAOC, BARIN, IATA and ELFAA. In several deep dive sessions, topics such as our investment plan, traffic & transport figures, cost development and Schiphol's 8-point plan will be consulted and explained in more detail. ‘

The formal consultation meeting will take place on 26 September. And the final determination of tariffs and conditions will be on 31 October 2024.

More information

If you would like to know more about the process or participate as an airline, please contact your Airline Partnership Director.

Contact your Airline Partnership Director.

Click here for more information on the consultation process.