Routes Americas 2014

The route development forum for the Americas

San Salvador, El Salvador
23 – 25 February 2014

About the Host

El Salvador  

This year Routes Americas was hosted by the Ministry of Tourism El Salvador and Corsatur

The Ministry of Tourism (MITUR) was set up in 2014 with a clear mission to promote and position El Salvador domestically and internationally as a tourist destination that is sustainable, attractive and competitive.
The Ministry of Tourism plays an important role in the GDP of El Salvador taking into account that last year  the total annual gross domestic product accounts for 3.2% due to the capture of $ 771.55 million dollars in tourist revenue.  To this date the current minister is José Napoleón Duarte Durán, who has been heading this institution since 2009.

The Salvadoran Tourism Corporation is an autonomous institution of law also known as (CORSATUR). CORSATUR’s objective is to develop the tourism sector through the promoting of El Salvador key tourist attractions abroad.  It also controls the national registration of tourism businesses and additional activities such as registering of new upcoming businesses in the tourist sector.

CORSATUR also co-ordinates programs that identifies, classifies, rates and certifies new tourist business with the collaboration of agencies and specialised touristic units.  In addition, CORSATUR also takes statistical census to update any data concerning the influence of tourism activities at a national level, thereby creating annual catalogues informing on the national tourism activities.