Routes Americas 2016

The route development forum for the Americas

San Juan, Puerto Rico
17 – 19 February 2016

Event Programme

Wednesday 17 February
09:00 - 12:00

Pre-event Tours


Registration, Diary Advice and Networking Area Open

14:00 – 17:45

Routes Americas Strategy Summit
Location: Puerto Rico Convention Centre

15:40 – 15:55

Refreshment Break
Location: Networking Area

15:55 – 17:45

Routes Americas Strategy Summit
Location: Puerto Rico Convention Centre

18:30 - 20:30

Welcome Reception hosted by Puerto Rico Tourism Company
Location: El Capitolio 

Thursday 18 February
08:00 – 17:30 Registration, Diary Advice and Networking Area Open
08:30 – 10:55

Face-to-Face Meetings
Location: Airline Meeting Hall

10:55 – 11:25

Refreshment Break
Location: Networking Area

11:25 – 12:35

Face-to-Face Meetings
Location: Airline Meeting Hall

12:35 – 14:00

Networking Lunch
Location: Puerto Rico Convention Centre

14:00 – 15:35

Face-to-Face Meetings
Location: Airline Meeting Hall

15:35 – 16:05

Refreshment Break
Location: Networking Area

16:05 – 17:40

Face-to-Face Meetings
Location: Airline Meeting Hall


Final Meeting ends

19:30 – 00:00 Networking Evening hosted by Puerto Rico Tourism Company
Location: El Cuartel de Ballaja 
20:00 – 20:20 Routes Americas Marketing Awards


Networking Evening Ends

Friday 19 February
08:00 – 16:00      Registration, Diary Advice and Networking Area Open
08:30 – 10:55

Face-to-Face Meetings
Location: Airline Meeting Hall

10:55 – 11:25

Refreshment Break
Location: Networking Area

11:25 – 12:35

Face-to-Face Meetings
Location: Airline Meeting Hall

12:35 – 14:00 Networking Lunch and Handover Ceremony
Location: Puerto Rico Convention Centre
14:00 – 16:25

Face-to-Face Meetings
Location: Airline Meeting Hall


Final Meeting Ends

17:30 - 19:30

After Party sponsored by VisitFlorida 

Location: Caribe Hilton Hotel 

Saturday 20 February
All day 

Post-event Tour